Explore the top 200 Gen Z slang terms of 2025. Unlock the ultimate guide to modern expressions, phrases, and internet lingo for better communication.
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In today’s digital age, language evolves at the speed of light, with Generation Z (Gen Z) leading the charge in linguistic innovation.
This dynamic cohort, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, has ushered in a new era of slang that often perplexes older generations.
Understanding Gen Z slang is not just about keeping up with the latest trends but bridging communication gaps and fostering intergenerational dialogue.
Gen Z Slang Terms
This blog post delves into Gen Z slang, offering ten captions under each to illuminate the vibrant lexicon of this influential generation.
Expressions of Approval
- “Lit” – Exceptionally good or exciting.
- “Fire” – High quality or impressive.
- “Snatched” – Looking exceptionally stylish.
- “Facts” – Agreement with a stated truth.
- “Bet” – Confirmation or acknowledgement.
- “Slay” – Excelling at something.
- “Fleek” – Flawlessly styled or groomed.
- “Gucci” – Good or cool.
- “Hype” – Excitement or buzz around something.
- “Dope” – Cool.
Expressions of Disapproval
- “Cringe” – Awkward or embarrassing.
- “Sus” – Suspicious or untrustworthy.
- “L” – A loss or failure.
- “Ghost” – To suddenly cut off all communication.
- “Cancelled” – Publicly rejecting or boycotting someone.
- “Basic” – Lacking originality or being overly mainstream.
- “Salty” – Being upset or bitter.
- “Thirsty” – Desperately seeking attention.
- “Trash” – Of very poor quality.
- “Cheugy” – Trying too hard to be trendy or in style.
Emotional States
- “Vibing” – Enjoying and relaxing.
- “Lowkey” – To a small extent, subtly.
- “Highkey” – Very much or openly.
- “Shook” – Shocked.
- “Dead” – Overwhelmed by amusement.
- “Mood” – Relatable or embodying a specific feeling.
- “Simp” – Someone overly submissive to someone they are attracted to.
- “Soft” – Showing a tender or sentimental side.
- “Toxic” – Harmful or destructive behaviour.
- “Triggered” – Upset or activated emotionally.
Friendship and Relationships
- “BFF” – Best Friends Forever.
- “No cap” – No lie or genuine.
- “Ghosting” – Disappearing without explanation.
- “Squad” – A close group of friends.
- “Ship” – To endorse a romantic relationship.
- “Bromance” – Close non-sexual friendship between men.
- “Sis” – Close female friend.
- “Frenemy” – Someone who is both a friend and a rival.
- “GOAT” – Greatest Of All Time, showing deep admiration.
- “Catch feels” – Developing romantic feelings.
Online and Digital Life
- “Troll” – Someone who intentionally stirs up trouble online.
- “DM” – Direct Message.
- “Dox” – Publishing private information about someone online.
- “Meme” – A humorous image or video spread online.
- “Viral” – Becoming very popular online quickly.
- “Swipe right/left” – Approve or disapprove, derived from dating apps.
- “Catfish” – To pretend to be someone else online.
- “Clout” – Influence or fame on social media.
- “Stan” – An overzealous or obsessive fan.
- “Savage” – Ruthless but impressive.
Fashion and Style
- “On fleek” – Perfectly executed style.
- “Aesthetic” – About a particular beauty or style.
- “Haul” – A large purchase of goods, especially clothing.
- “OOTD” – Outfit Of The Day.
- “Thrifting” – Shopping at thrift stores.
- “Drop” – A release of new merchandise.
- “Sneakerhead” – A person who collects, trades, or admires sneakers.
- “Capsule wardrobe” – A small collection of versatile clothing items.
- “Fast fashion” – Cheap, trendy clothing.
- “Fit” – Outfit or clothing ensemble.
Work and Career
- “Side hustle” is a job besides one’s main job.
- “Gig economy” – A labour market characterized by short-term contracts.
- “LinkedIn lemons” – People who exaggerate their qualifications on LinkedIn.
- “Remote” – Working from a non-office location.
- “Startup” – A newly established business.
- “Entrepreneur” – Someone who starts their own business.
- “Networking” – Interacting to exchange information and develop professional contacts.
- “Freelance” – Working for different companies at different times.
- “Collab” – Short for collaboration, working together on a project.
- “Pitch” – A presentation of a business idea to potential investors.
Education and Learning
- “MOOC” – Massive Open Online Course.
- “E-learning” – Learning conducted via electronic media, typically online.
- “Studyblr” – A blogging community focused on study habits and academic aesthetics.
- “Gap year” – A year spent taking time off between life stages.
- “Internship” – A temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training.
- “Webinar” – A seminar conducted over the Internet.
- “Scholarship” – A grant or payment to support a student’s education.
- “Major” – The primary focus of study at a university.
- “Minor” – A secondary concentration of courses at a university.
- “Dean’s list” – A recognition of academic achievement at a college or university.
Health and Wellness
- “Self-care” – The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.
- “Mental health day” – A day off to focus on psychological well-being.
- “Detox” – A period in which one abstains from unhealthy substances.
- “Mindfulness” – Maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and environment.
- “Fitbit” – A brand of fitness tracker.
- “Keto” – A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet.
- “Vegan” – A person who does not eat or use animal products.
- “Pilates” – A physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century.
- “Yoga” – A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline.
- “Burnout” – Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress.
Food and Drink
- “Foodie” – A person with a particular interest in food.
- “Brunch” – A late morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch.
- “Avocado toast” – Toasted bread with avocado spread.
- “Craft beer” – Beer made in a traditional or non-mechanized way by a small brewery.
- “Farm-to-table” – Referring to the direct relationship between a farm and a restaurant.
- “Superfood” – A nutrient-rich food considered especially beneficial for health and well-being.
- “Food truck” – A large vehicle equipped to cook and sell food.
- “Matcha” – Finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves.
- “Veganism” – The practice of abstaining from animal products.
- “Smoothie bowl” – A thick smoothie served in a bowl and eaten with a spoon, often topped with fruit, nuts, seeds, etc.
Technology and Gadgets
- “Smartphone” – A mobile phone with advanced features.
- “App” – Short for application, a software program.
- “Streaming” – Transmitting or receiving live video and audio coverage over the Internet.
- “Podcast” – A digital audio file available for downloading.
- “VR” – Virtual reality, a simulated experience.
- “AI” – Artificial intelligence, the simulation of human intelligence in machines.
- “Wearable” – Technology devices that can be worn on the body.
- “Cloud” – Internet-based computing that provides shared processing resources and data.
- “Coding” – The process of writing instructions for computers.
- “Hack” – To use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data.
Entertainment and Media
- “Binge-watch” – To watch multiple television series episodes in rapid succession.
- “Fanfic” – Fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.
- “Playlist” – A list of songs or pieces of music.
- “Spoiler” – A description of an important plot development.
- “Streaming service” – A subscription-based service offering online streaming of films and television programs.
- “Box office” – The office where tickets of admission are sold.
- “Cosplay” – The practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game.
- “Fanbase” – The fans of a particular object or person regarded collectively.
- “Vlog” – A blog in which the postings are primarily in video form.
- “Meme culture” is built around the viral transmission of humorous images, videos, and text.
Travel and Adventure
- “Staycation” – A vacation spent at home.
- “Backpacking” – Travel or hike carrying one’s belongings in a backpack.
- “Digital nomad” – Individuals who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their lives nomadically.
- “Eco-tourism” – Tourism directed towards exotic, often threatened, natural environments.
- “Glamping” – A form of camping involving accommodation and facilities more luxurious than those associated with traditional camping.
- “Road trip” – A journey taken by car.
- “Bucket list” – A list of things to do before you die.
- “Solo travel” – Traveling alone.
- “Voluntourism” – A form of tourism in which travellers participate in voluntary work.
- “Wanderlust” – A strong desire to travel.
Social Issues and Activism
- “Woke” – Being aware of social injustices.
- “Cancel culture” – The practice of withdrawing support for public figures after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.
- “Virtue signalling” – The action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.
- “Echo chamber” – An environment where people only encounter information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own.
- “Hashtag activism” – Using hashtags on social media to advocate for social issues.
- “Social justice warrior” – A person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.
- “Microaggression” – A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group.
- “Intersectionality” – The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
- “Climate strike” is a protest in which people absent themselves from education or work to join demonstrations demanding action to counter climate change.
- “Body positivity” – The assertion that all people deserve a positive body image, regardless of how society and popular culture view ideal shape, size, and appearance.
Gaming and Esports
- “GG” – Good game, used to express sportsmanship.
- “PvP” – Player versus Player, referring to games in which players compete against each other.
- “Noob” – A new or inexperienced player.
- “RPG” – Role-playing game, a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.
- “Esports” – Competitive tournaments of video games.
- “Streaming” – Broadcasting gameplay live to an audience online.
- “Speedrun” – Completing a game as fast as possible.
- “Loot box” – A virtual item in games that can be redeemed to receive a randomized selection of further virtual items.
- “DLC” – Downloadable content, additional content created for an already released video game.
- “AFK” – Away from the keyboard, indicating a player is temporarily not playing.
Sustainability and Environment
- “Green” – Environmentally friendly.
- “Carbon footprint” – The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities.
- “Renewable energy” – Energy from a source that is not depleted.
- “Upcycling” – Reusing discarded objects or material in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
- “Sustainable living” – A lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources.
- “Zero waste” – A philosophy that encourages redesigning resource life cycles so that all products are reused.
- “Eco-friendly” – Not harmful to the environment.
- “Conservation” – The action of conserving something, in particular, preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment.
- “Biodegradable” – Capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms.
- “Climate change” – A change in global or regional climate patterns.
Personal Finance and Investment
- “Cryptocurrency” – A digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system using cryptography.
- “Stocks” – Shares of ownership in a company.
- “Budgeting” – Creating a plan to spend your money.
- “Savings” – The portion of income not spent on current expenditures.
- “Investing” – The action or process of investing money for profit.
- “Fintech” – Financial technology, new tech that seeks to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services.
- “Retirement plan” – A financial arrangement designed to replace employment income upon retirement.
- “Debt” – Money owed by one party to another.
- “Credit score” – A numerical expression based on a level analysis of a person’s credit files to represent the creditworthiness of an individual.
- “Real estate” – Property consisting of land and its buildings.
Language and Communication
- “Emoji” – A small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion.
- “Meme” – An element of culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
- “Slang” – A type of language consisting of words and phrases regarded as very informal.
- “Text speaks” – Language regarded as characteristic of text messages, consisting of abbreviations, acronyms, initials, and emoticons.
- “Vernacular” – The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
- “Bilingual” – Speaking two languages fluently.
- “Polyglot” – Knowing or using several languages.
- “Linguistics” – The scientific study of language and its structure.
- “Code-switching” – The practice of alternating between two or more languages or varieties of language in conversation.
- “Pidgin” – A grammatically simplified form of a language used for communication between people not sharing a common language.
Health and Fitness
- “HIIT” – High-Intensity Interval Training.
- “Macro” – Referring to macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
- “Calisthenics” – Gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement.
- “Cardio” – Cardiovascular exercise intended to increase heart rate.
- “Personal trainer” – A person who coaches others in fitness and exercise.
- “Supplements” – Something that completes or enhances something else when added to it, especially regarding nutrition.
- “Bodybuilding” – The practice of strengthening and enlarging the body’s muscles through exercise.
- “Yoga” – A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation.
- “Mindfulness” – The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.
- “Wellness” – The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
Music and Culture
- “Drop” – The release of a new music track.
- “Cover” – A new performance or recording of a previously recorded song.
- “Playlist” – A list of songs set to play in a specific order.
- “Genre” – A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
- “Collab” – A collaboration between two or more artists.
- “Mixtape” – A compilation of favourite pieces of music, typically by different artists, recorded onto a cassette tape or other medium by an individual.
- “Sample” – A portion of a sound recording used as an instrumental segment in a new piece of music.
- “Beat” – The basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music.
- “Acoustic” – Music produced by instruments, as opposed to electric or electronic means.
- “Remix” – A piece of media which has been altered or contorted from its original state by adding, removing, or changing pieces of the item.
Understanding and using Gen Z slang can seem daunting. However, it is a vibrant and integral part of contemporary culture, reflecting an increasingly influential generation’s values, humour, and interests.
Whether you are a marketer trying to connect with a younger audience, a parent trying to understand your teenager, or simply someone curious about the evolution of language, grasping these terms can offer valuable insights into the world of Gen Z.